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Ideas for kids rooms

So…February is a good month to do interior work while it is cold and still gets dark early.  I love to think about redoing the kid’s rooms…I say think about it because there are so many cool ideas out there it is hard for me to pick a direction. Besides…I think the kids should love the idea of redoing their rooms and be a part of designing it…but that adds another complication… Can you please mom and the kids at the same time?? Or do I bow out of it and leave it to the kids?  I remember my mom gave me free rein with my room as long as I did the painting.  Hot pink with 1000 posters was my style! It was awful.  

Here are a few really cool bunk bed ideas I came across that I love.  I’ll post more on our facebook page as I find them.

Toni M Phillips, Broker | 336-978-1379

Phillips Ranson Team @ LRB RE